Jaringan Alumni-Entrepreneur dan Pelestarian Perannya terhadap Pengembangan Almamater
The Alumni-Entrepreneur Network and Preserving Its Role in the Development of the Alma mater
This research aims to examine the alumni-entrepreneur network and itsrole preservation for alma mater universities. This literature study examined 85 articles from the results of the sequence using the Publish or Perish 7 application and Google Scholar. The conclusion of the 57 selected articles resulted in the conclusion that alumni-entrepreneur university, especially those plus pesantren has a high independence drive. The alumni-entrepreneur network can make various contributions to the alamamater, including promotion, feedback, evaluation, learning process, cooperation, financial support, to the success of campus events. The role of alumni-entrepreneurs in the college learning process includes motivating, being a role model, sharing forum and networking support for students and young alumni. The alumni network also acts as a partner of the college, supporting the success of college events, and donations as jariyah charity. The important role of alumni entrusts universities to maintain alumni relations through the implementation of the e-CRM concept so that the contribution of alumni networks to alma mater universities, such as promotion, feedback, evaluation, learning processes, cooperation, financial support, to the success of campus events will be facilitated and easier to follow up.