Skill Kepenulisan Artikel Ilmiah Dosen dan Upaya Peningkatan Kinerja Publikasi Ilmiah

Lecturer Scientific Article Writing Skills and Efforts to Improve Scientific Publication Performance

  • M.B. Syihab STEI Hamfara
  • W Wijiharta STEI Hamfara
Keywords: kompetensi, skill kepenulisan ilmiah, kinerja publikasi, kebijakan akademik


This research aims to study scientific writing skills and efforts to improve scientific publications.  This literature study examined 30 articles selected from 54 articles from the results of the search using the Publish or Perish 7 application and Google Scholar. The conclusion of this literature review is that lecturers both personally and in the community need to improve competence by attending training, lecturer discussion forums, or workshops on scientific writing, as well as opening themselves to share knowledge and authorship experience for mutual progress. Universities need to prepare academic strategies and policies to support the competitiveness of universities through improving the performance of scientific publications. Improving the performance of scientific publications entrusts the competence of lecturers related to scientific writing skills. Efforts to improve scientific writing skills need to be encouraged and facilitated through the implementation of writing skills training, providing encouragement for the virtue of exploring knowledge, the virtue of charity for the dissemination of knowledge, as well as career improvement, adding relationships, and recognition, as well as fostering a culture of sharing knowledge and experience of scientific writing through organizing discussion forums, workshops or seminars. Efforts to increase the quantity of scientific publication performance through fostering a culture of collaboration and mentoring in the presentation of research results through organizing conferences and seminars and supporting the publication of articles in scientific journals. Efforts to improve the quality of scientific publication performance through scientific publication performance through collaboration between institutions in publishing scientific articles accompanied by network support and subsidies or incentives for the publication of scientific articles in nationally accredited journals, internationally reputable journals, and IPR publishing
