Youth Entrepreneurship & Opportunity Journal 2023-07-23T03:43:54+07:00 Wijiharta Open Journal Systems <ul> <li class="show">Jurnal Youth Entrepreneurship and Opportunity adalah jurnal yang mempublikasikan kajian ilmiah tentang kewirausahaan mahasiswa dan peluang usaha karya para mahasiswa, akademisi, peneliti dan praktisi. YEO journal diterbitkan setiap bulan Mei oleh&nbsp;<strong>Bidang</strong> <strong>Kemahasiswaan </strong>atas peran <strong>Bagian </strong><strong>Konseling</strong> <strong>Karir</strong> dan UKM Bisnis.</li> </ul> Penguasaan Skill Entrepreneurship dan Upaya Penguatannya 2023-03-31T03:13:59+07:00 H Sasono W. Wijiharta <p>This study aims to examine the importance of mastering entrepreneurship skills and strengthening efforts. This research uses a qualitative approach with a literature review method. Compiling journal article data using the Publish &amp; Perish 7 application and google scholar using keywords related to the theme of entrepreneurship skills. The prosecution produced 111 journal articles. Data analysis steps include data presentation, reduction and verification / inference. The results of the selection left 39 articles for review. The results of the study concluded that the development of entrepreneurship includes increasing entrepreneurship knowledge, entrepreneurship skills and entrepreneur character. Entrepreneurship skills are important for the millennial young generation to master to encourage independence and productivity. Entrepreneurship skills include the dimensions of business planning, business operationalization and marketing. Efforts to improve entrepreneurship skills require the provision of entrepreneurship skill training centers, trainers and counselors as well as adequate facility support. The success of entrepreneurship development also requires facilities or access to funding, entrepreneurial character building and the creation of a conducive business environment&nbsp;</p> 2023-03-19T20:27:57+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Youth Entrepreneurship & Opportunity A Glimpse into The History of Islamic State International Trade 2023-04-05T13:02:13+07:00 krishna jaya negara <p>The purpose of this paper is to further explore the history of international trade in Islamic countries, how in this case there was a heyday and also a period of collapse of trade in international routes. This paper uses data collection techniques used in the form of secondary data obtained through literature studies, articles, and journals. The results of the writing show that, there were ups and downs of several Islamic dynasties in international trade. History records that international trade practices have been carried out since the time of the Prophet before the birth, namely the pre-Islamic Arab civilization era. During his leadership, the Prophet S.A.W. has explored and empowered the talents, interests and energy of young people to serve the community, so as to produce outputs in the form of real and positive benefits for life globally. Until the collapse of the international trade sector during the Umayyad dynasty. Thus, this paper can be used as a reading in knowing a glimpse of the history of international trade in the Islamic State.</p> 2023-04-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Youth Entrepreneurship & Opportunity Journal Strategi Islamic Branding dalam Meningkatkan Minat Beli Konsumen Muslim 2023-07-23T03:43:54+07:00 Khadijah Syafira Adyani <p>Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan strategi Islamic branding dalam meningkatkan minat beli konsumen muslim. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif yang digunakan untuk menarasikan data berupa teori-teori yang relevan dengan tema dari berbagi literatur, kemudian mengaitkannya dengan keadaan lapangan yang berfokus pada penilaian strategi Islamic branding dalam meningkatkan minat beli konsumen. Islamic branding saat ini telah mulai banyak diminati oleh konsumen dan merupakan terobosan baru yang dapat digunakan oleh produsen dalam memasarkan produknya. Islamic branding tidak hanya berupa merk, logo atau nama, namun aspek Islamic branding juga dilihat dari mulai proses produksi hingga proses pemasaran suatu produk yang harus sesuai dengan syariat Islam. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat berkontribusi dalam pemahaman konsumen muslim dalam memperhatikan barang yang dibeli serta penerapan strategi lslamic branding bagi para pengusaha muslim.</p> 2023-07-23T03:40:36+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Youth Entrepreneurship & Opportunity Journal