Peningkatan Literasi Ekonomi Islam Pada Keluarga Masyarakat Islam Indonesia Di Jepang

  • S Murtiyani STEI Hamfara
Keywords: socialization, Islamic economic, Islamic Indonesian students, Japan


The Islamic economic industry is growing, the business and job opportunities offered by the Islamic economic industry are increasing in various business sectors. Even so, Islamic economics has not been understood by all groups in various countries. Even though the halal industry in the next few years will experience rapid growth, not only in Indonesia but in various countries. One of the community service activities is the socialization (introduction) of Islamic economics to various circles. STEI Hamfara develops community service by organizing Islamic economic education in the midst of society. This community service program is expected to result in a higher level of awareness, student concern for Islamic economics, a better understanding of the basic concepts of Islamic economics that are applied to oneself, the work environment and in everyday life.
