Pengelolaan Keuangan Keluarga Islami di Masa Pandemi Covid 19 Bagi Keluarga Muslim Australia

  • S Murtiyani STEI Hamfara
Keywords: training, Islamic financial, muslim families, Australia


This program aims to provide provisions to Indonesian Muslim housewives in Australia on how to manage family finances in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic in an Islamic way. Most people also suffer losses due to reduced income or even loss of income during the pandemic. So proper and planned financial management and packaged Islamic financial management are very important to implement. Islamic family financial management training is carried out in two sessions, the first session is an explanation of the concept of sustenance, wealth in Islam, understanding Allah as the provider of sustenance for humans and living things, and how the financial goals of Muslim families should be. The next session was an explanation of expenditure items, income items and measuring family financial health. Training activities are carried out online using lecture, question and answer and discussion methods. It is hoped that this training will provide participants with provisions on how to manage family finances in accordance with Islamic principles so as to create a sakinah, mawaddah and rahmah family.
