The Selling Spirit of Vegetable Traders Increase Consumer Purchases

  • Fadillah Khairunnisa STEI Hamfara Yogyakarta
Keywords: selling spirit, behavior of traders, vegetable traders, increasing, consumer purchases


Every time a purchase is made, consumers are inevitably influenced by several factors from the trader's behavior. Good consumer purchase becomes an expected achievement for traders, one of them is a vegetable trader. The purpose of this study is to find out how to increase consumer purchases on vegetable purchases at roadside vegetable traders by raising the selling spirit of vegetable traders. This type of research is qualitative research, with data sources derived from documents and literature related to the research topic. Data is analyzed by triangulation after being collected through observation, interview, and documentation. The result of this study is that the selling spirit issued by vegetable traders turned out to be one of the important factors of merchant behavior that influences the increase in consumer purchases.
