The Importance of Ethics in Business Growth, Micro, Small and Medium (UMKM)

The Importance of Ethics in Business Growth, Micro, Small and Medium (UMKM)

  • Annisa Mutia Hasna STEI Hamfara Yogyakarta
Keywords: economic growth, UMKM, ethics


Today, business in large companies in the country has made many major contributions in economic progress and social development. In addition to these companies, there are also small-scale companies that participate in economic and social development commonly called micro-companies or MSMEs. However, there are adverse consequences for many parties as a result of the activities of companies that do not carry out existing business ethics. The purpose of the preparation of this article is to know the importance of ethics in the growth of MSMEs. Ethics in business has an important role, so that the success of a business can be seen from workers who have ethics. The benefits of preparing this article to find out the success rate of a business with performance that has ethics in the global era. In Islam, business ethics is described in the Qur'an and Hadith.
