The Concept of Halal Tourism: An Islamic Economic Perspective

  • Nuhbatul Basyariah Mahasiswa Program Doktor Ekonomi Islam UIN SUKA Yogyakarta
Keywords: Halal Tourism, Halal Tourism Arrangement Concept, Islamic Economic Perspective Tourism


This study aims to describe and explain the concept of halal tourism with an Islamic economic system approach. The exploratory descriptive method is used in this study to get a complete picture and explanation and focus on halal tourism objects from an Islamic economic perspective. Tourism is an economic activity that cannot be separated from economic behavior and actors, in which there are community actors as consumers, companies as service providers, and the state as regulators. Islamic economics views all economic activities as inseparable from the three pillars of the Islamic economic concept in the form of property ownership, management and utilization of assets, and distribution of assets. So that the concept of halal tourism should discuss all aspects with the three-pillar approach of the Islamic economy, in order to get a comprehensive view of halal tourism from the point of view of the principles of the owner of goods and services being managed, the management model, the executor of its management, and the distribution system in the community.
