Pengaruh Brand Ambassador Dalam Membangun Brand Image Dan Dampaknya Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen Cosmetic Products di Indonesia

  • Nasya Berliana Dosen
Keywords: Keywords: Marketing, Brand Ambassador, Brand Image, and Purchase Decision.


Currently, cosmetics have become a major part of human needs in Indonesia, if it is realized that both women and men from birth to adulthood all need cosmetics. Companies in Indonesia compete in marketing their cosmetic products. One of the strategies used in marketing products in order to gain consumer interest and purchasing decisions can be done through promotions such as advertising using a brand ambassador, this can build a brand image of a product. The better the brand image of a product in the eyes of consumers, the higher the tendency of consumers to make purchasing decisions. The purpose of this article is to analyze the influence of brand ambassadors in building a brand image and the impact of this on consumer purchasing decisions for cosmetic products. This writing method uses library research by collecting materials related to research from books, scientific journals, literatures and other publications that are worthy of being used as sources for this research. The results of this study conclude that marketing using brand ambassadors has a positive influence in building a brand image so that it affects consumer purchasing decisions for cosmetic products.

